Call of the Tiger and Udege Legend national parks celebrate their 10th anniversary

Call of the Tiger and Udege Legend national parks celebrate their 10th anniversary

23 January 2018

The first national parks in the Russian Far East, Call of the Tiger and Udege Legend, will celebrate their 10th anniversary on 23 January. The parks were registered as federal state designated property by government decision in 2008.


Call of the Tiger and Udege Legend were established in 2007 as regional protected areas, which led to the establishment of Anyuysky National Park. The network of federal specially protected areas included Land of the Leopard National Park five years later, Shantar Islands National Park in 2013, and Bikin National Park, the largest protected area within the Amur tiger range, in 2015.


Udege Legend and Call of the Tiger national parks serve as environmental corridors. Udege Legend connects the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve to the Bikin River Valley, and Call of the Tiger is a link between the Lazovsky Nature Reserve and the rest of the Sikhote-Alin area. According to the latest data, there are four Amur tigers in Udege Legend and five or six tigers in Call of the Tiger.