Winter training for Amur Tiger record keepers

Winter training for Amur Tiger record keepers

8 December 2014

The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the Amur Tiger Centre continue their joint preparations for the Amur tiger winter registration campaign. Around 2,000 tiger record keepers will set out into the wild to measure tiger footprints. This is a complicated job and its success depends on smooth and coordinated teamwork. One of the key tasks during preparations for the winter registration season is to select and train skilled trackers.


The training was conducted in the Primorye Territory. Fifteen inspectors were taught to identify and measure animal footprints: a correctly measured footprint can tell whether it belongs to a male or female, and it can also reveal the age of the animal, where it was heading and much more.


By now, 23 Amur tiger registration coordinators deployed in the species’ habitats in Russia’s Far East have almost completed preliminary preparations and have started to collect data about the movements of the striped felines during the winter season.