Tiger Ilona captured by camera trap

Tiger Ilona captured by camera trap

23 November 2014

A tigress called Ilona has been captured by a camera trap at the Khingansky Reserve for the first time since she had been set free in the Amur Region. The tiger studied the camera as if posing for it. With this, biologists have received the first images of the tiger in the wild. According to scientists, the video shows that Ilona is in good shape.


Scientists at the Khingansky Reserve studied the tiger’s tracks, tracing the animal for several kilometres, recording its footprints and collecting bio-material. They also examined the tiger’s hunting area and discovered that Ilona had killed a wild boar, feeding on it for three days. 


The tiger was captured by the camera trap a few hours after leaving her prey area.  


In May 2014, Ilona was set free in the Zhelundinsky Reserve in the Amur Region. The tiger traveled about 90 km away from the reserve, settling in the Khingansky