Conservation strategy for rare wildlife approved

Conservation strategy for rare wildlife approved

24 February 2014

The Russian Government has approved a national rare and endangered animal, plant and mushroom species conservation strategy up to 2030.


The strategy envisions special biotechnical measures, the expansion of animal and fish breeding facilities, botanical gardens and arboretums in order to preserve rare and endangered animal, plant and mushroom species. The document also stipulates the state registration and monitoring of rare and endangered animal and plant species, as well as expanded international cooperation in this area. The strategy focuses on environmental protection and educational activities, as well as efforts to raise public awareness about nature complexes and facilities.


The strategy is expected to considerably improve anti-poaching efforts.  Authorities will step up efforts to protect various animal and plant species, including the Amur tiger, the Amur leopard and the snow leopard.


The strategy will be implemented in three stages. Regulatory documents and various principles for keeping red data books and information-analytical database will be upgraded during the first stage (2015-2017). A range of practical measures to keep vulnerable animal, plant and mushroom species off the rare and endangered list will be implemented during the second stage (2018-2020). The results of the first two stages will be assessed during the third stage (2021-2030), and additional measures to preserve rare and endangered animal, plant and mushroom species will also be implemented.