Amur tigers not only hunt but also catch fish: they catch fish in the shallow waters of highland rivers during spawning season

The tiger can eat up to 30 kilogrammes of food in one sitting and its daily ration is nine to ten kilogrammes of meat

The programme’s objective is to study the distribution range of Amur tiger populations and the number and migration routes of these big cats in Russia

Scientists are researching the tigers’ reproductive biology, habitat, feeding patterns and food resources

The tiger is a quiet animal. Some zoologists who have studied the animal for many years have not heard the tiger roar even once

The tiger is a solitary territorial predator, which is typical for the majority of big cats. The adult tiger usually stays within a particular range of land which it guards from intruders

In the near future, scientists plan to set up a state-run information centre to collect all the information about the condition of tiger populations and other rare species of animals

A few minutes after the injection of the tranquilliser the tigress falls asleep and is no longer a threat