Today is International Polar Bear Day

Today is International Polar Bear Day

27 February 2023

27 February is International Polar Bear Day. The event aims to draw attention to the plight of this endangered predator. 


In recent years, more and more people have been coming to the Arctic to conduct research and pursue economic development of the coast and shelf. People are settling on the polar bear’s land, next to its home, without having basic knowledge of how to act when encountering the animal.


Since childhood, we have seen the image of cute and friendly Umka, the bear cub from a famous cartoon. Unfortunately, people do not always realize that the polar bear is not a cartoon character, but a dangerous predator.


They start feeding the bear, with good intentions, and let it quietly approach their settlements. The animal begins to understand that people are not dangerous and, according to the laws of nature, may show aggression and attack humans.


This is how a "good" deed – feeding a hungry animal – turns into a tragedy. It will always cause harm.


There are currently about 26,000 polar bears in the world. Global climate change and the shrinking ice cover in the Arctic seas are taking a significant toll on the global polar bear population, reducing the food resources of the Arctic predator.


Seven interesting facts about polar bears

1. Polar bears are the largest warm-blooded predator on the planet. They can weigh up to 1,000 kilos and grow three meters long.

2. Polar bears can reach a speed of 40 km/h on land. But they cannot run at this speed for very long, as this can cause overheating.

3. Polar bears have a powerful sense of smell. They can smell their prey from several kilometers away.

4. Polar bears are excellent swimmers. They can swim more than 60 miles without resting.

5. Although polar bear fur looks white, it is really colorless and hollow. Polar bears appear white because the rough interior of a single hair scatters light and reflects it at different angles.

6. Polar bears can eat food equal to 10 percent of their weight in an hour.

7. Not all polar bears hibernate; only pregnant females do.