Trail cameras are ready for the winter season

Trail cameras are ready for the winter season

1 November 2018

Researchers at the Sayano-Shushensky Biosphere Reserve have prepared the motion-sensor trail cameras for the winter season: they replaced the batteries and memory cards, and installed three additional cameras. The camera locations are determined during a walkthrough of the nature reserve. A camera trap is securely mounted on a tree, tree stump or a stone near a marking tree or a trail, and masked with natural material so that the animals will not get suspicious of the object.


“At the Sayano-Shushensky Biosphere Reserve, most camera traps are checked every two or three months. It allows us to receive current data about the wildlife and gives us an opportunity to analyse and adjust the placement of the cameras,” said Roman Afanasyev, senior researcher and head of the research department.


The last trail camera check took place in June. Then most animals were seen with newborn cubs. The babies explored the world together with their parents. In June, experts examined the mountainous terrain where forest reindeer live. They found an animal trail which they fitted with camera traps too.


Motion-sensor trail cameras have assisted in wildlife research in the nature reserve for over 10 years. The Sayano-Shushensky Biosphere Reserve has 85 trail cameras; 15 of them also record video. They provide experts with more data about the distribution and behaviour of animals, which is often impossible to find out through the traditional way of inspecting the area due to its large, hard-to-reach territory where some animals lead a furtive life, such as the Pallas's cat and the snow leopard.