Images of three snow leopard cubs captured at Sailyugemsky National Park

Images of three snow leopard cubs captured at Sailyugemsky National Park

9 November 2017

Three snow leopard cubs have been registered at Sailyugemsky National Park’s border area. Images were taken by cameras at a section of Yuzhno-Chuisky Ridge.


“Three cubs mark a milestone event in restoring the snow leopard population in Altai. Having studied the images, we can say that snow leopard cubs of this brood were born between April-May. Judging from their appearance, the mother is doing her job very well – the cubs are quite big for their age,” said researcher at Sailyugemsky National Park Alexei Kuzhlekov.


The camera trap captured the mother’s day- and nighttime walk with the cubs. This prompts the conclusion that the snow leopard family permanently inhabits the territory.