During a scientific expedition, researcher Adar Anchin of Saylyugemsky National Park had a unique opportunity to see a snow leopard and photograph it. The snow leopard was spotted on a range at an altitude of 3,200 metres. Based on the animal’s specific features, scientists recognised it as Khan, a leopard who has not been shy about being photographed in the park.
The national park’s research staff also found that trail cameras pinpointed eight snow leopards in the Saylyugem section, seven of which had already been recorded and added to the database. The scientists’ attention was attracted by a young unidentified female snow leopard that appeared in the Kuray Mountains accompanied by a male. According to Alexey Kuzhlekov, a research associate with specially protected nature areas, she was seen for the first time. Experts assumed that she either was not recorded before or migrated from neighbouring Ak-Cholushpa Nature Park.
Snow leopard population research in Saylyugemsky National Park began in 2015. Park employees set up trail cameras along the leopards’ presumed migration routes, and the first shots of these rare animals were taken in April 2015.