Winners in the My Snow Leopard festival visit the Khakassky Nature Reserve +

Winners in the My Snow Leopard festival visit the Khakassky Nature Reserve

Oglahty area in the Khakassky Nature Reserve +

Oglahty area in the Khakassky Nature Reserve

Tour participants visited the Museum of Nature and hiked along the Nature’s Live Yearbook eco-trail +

Tour participants visited the Museum of Nature and hiked along the Nature’s Live Yearbook eco-trail

Oglahty area in the Khakassky Nature Reserve +

Oglahty area in the Khakassky Nature Reserve

The winners also received certificates and presents from the Sayano-Shushensky Biosphere Reserve and the Khakassky Nature Reserve +

The winners also received certificates and presents from the Sayano-Shushensky Biosphere Reserve and the Khakassky Nature Reserve