Scientists from the Pacific Research Centre of Fisheries caught twelve beluga whales in the Sea of Okhotsk. The mammals will be taken to dolphinariums in the Primorye Territory and in other countries, according to Igor Naberezhnykh, the head of the research centre's marine mammal adaptation sector.
The whales were caught in the Sea of Okhotsk during a research expedition and were sent to Vladivostok on the ship Bukhoro. Three of them will live in the research centre's dolphinarium near Nakhodka, the others will stay in oceanariums and dolphinariums in other regions and countries. A few of them will be transported to the Sevastopol dolphinarium.
Igor Naberezhnykh said the whales did well while being transported, with one exception. That whale was given first aid by Primorye veterinarians. An IV drip helped her recover.
Now the whales will undergo adaptation training at the dophinarium near Nakhodka. In a month or two after the whales start eating normally, they can be transported to their final destinations.