New leopard couple in Primorye

New leopard couple in Primorye

24 January 2020

For the first time, the Far Eastern leopard Leo 46M has been spotted together with a leopardess by Land of the Leopard trail cameras. The female is the daughter of the leopardess Leo 120F, who is the daughter of Leo 38F, named after famous actress and animal rights defender, Pamela Anderson.


National park experts have been monitoring Leo 46M, Renosha, since 2013. In the winter of 2017, the leopard was seen with a deep cut near his eye, probably the result of a hunting trip or a fight with another male. He did not require any medical aid, and after a few months, the leopard was spotted by trail cameras looking in perfectly good shape.


It was only recently that researchers managed to get a glimpse of Renosha together with females. The first picture of the 8-year-old male with a young and unnamed female, born in 2017, was found when experts sorted through photos taken last year. Observations show that the only time adult felines of this kind representing opposite sexes can be seen together is when they are mating. Now park experts can name the father of the great-grandchildren of the leopardess Pamela.


Analysing images from trail cameras enables Land of the Leopard experts to see the entire dynasties of Far Eastern leopards. These observations provide important data for future research, in particular, the genes of these rare felines.