New data from trail cameras in Land of the Leopard

New data from trail cameras in Land of the Leopard

6 October 2014

Another stage of monitoring Far Eastern leopards finished last week. Now researchers will spend several months thoroughly examining thousands of images from trail cameras to make conclusions about the population of this rare feline.


Even the initial study of photo and video materials shows a large concentration of ungulates around the feeding stations and therefore, many wild cats that follow their prey. In the feeding areas, especially in remote areas of the national park where people rarely go, trail cameras captured a significant number of herbivores and predators, including deer, bears, foxes and boars.


The cameras installed very close to the feeders captured the Far Eastern leopard and another rare Primorye feline, the Amur tiger.


In order to make the animals accustomed to the feeding stations, the feedstuff is supplied all year round. The feeding is particularly useful in winter, when it is difficult for the ungulates to find food. As a result, the animal population grows, and animals from neighbouring national parks come to the area. The population of the ungulates directly affects the population of Far Eastern leopards and Amur tigers. If the ungulate population is sufficient, the number of the predators is less of a concern.