Trail cameras in Land of the Leopard National Park captured images of an endangered leopardess named Grace with her new cubs +

Trail cameras in Land of the Leopard National Park captured images of an endangered leopardess named Grace with her new cubs

The new photos show the happy mother accompanied by two large cubs +

The new photos show the happy mother accompanied by two large cubs

Judging by their size, the cubs are about 12 months old and almost mature predators +

Judging by their size, the cubs are about 12 months old and almost mature predators

At this age, leopards often move around their hunting grounds with their mother and learn hunting skills +

At this age, leopards often move around their hunting grounds with their mother and learn hunting skills

After a few months, the cubs will leave their mother to begin adulthood +

After a few months, the cubs will leave their mother to begin adulthood

All the animals in the photos look well fed and healthy +

All the animals in the photos look well fed and healthy